
Water Baptism

Have you decided to trust Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior? If so, water baptism is your NEXT STEP! Jesus Himself was baptized - and the Bible encourages believers to follow His example. If baptism is the next step in your spiritual journey, we invite you to sign up! Once you sign up, a member of our baptism team will contact you with more information. We look forward to cheering for you and celebrating what God is doing in your life!

Growth Track

Growth Track is designed to teach you about our church beliefs, help you discover the gifts God gave you, and show you how to use those gifts to live out your purpose

Deeper Faith

This will be a six-week course, with each week being led by a different teaching couple with significant ministry experience. The class begins on Sunday, January 14 at 9AM in the gym lobby and continues every week until the last class on February 18. We will discuss basic categories and fundamental understandings of key concepts and emphases in the life of a modern Christian. Topics include “Faith in God and Meaning in Life,” “Jesus the One and Only,” “The Word of God,” “Prayer to God Our Father,” “The Holy Spirit of God” and “Living and Sharing.”  Join us as we grow together!

New Member

If you attend First Assembly regularly and are interested in becoming a member, please attend our next Membership Class! Enjoy a light lunch as our pastors explain the vision of First Assembly and of the Assemblies of God.


On Wednesday nights starting at 7PM, we have a collective Bible teaching for everyone that happens in the main auditorium. 


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